Recordati has been at the forefront of life-enhancing and life-changing medicines for almost 100 years. With its beginnings in a family run pharmacy in Correggio, Italy in the 1920s, Recordati is now a global pharmaceutical force, listed on the Italian stock exchange, with over 4,200 employees.

We are a group of like-minded, passionate individuals who go to extraordinary lengths for our partners, customers, investors and the people across the globe who we serve. We develop and commercialise medicines to serve people living with common diseases, as well as those living with some of the rarest, in around 150 countries.

Siamo alla ricerca di Operatori/trici di Confezionamento altamente motivati per unirsi al nostro team dedicato al packaging di prodotti farmaceutici.


  • Eseguire le attività di confezionamento dei prodotti farmaceutici in conformità con le procedure aziendali, le buone pratiche di fabbricazione (GMP) e delle norme di salute e sicurezza.
  • Compilare i Batch Record e la documentazione di reparto relativa alle attività svolte.
  • Eseguire le verifiche periodiche di corretta funzionalità delle macchine e delle apparecchiature, secondo quanto previsto dalle SOP vigenti.
  • Effettuare la pulizia delle macchine di produzione presenti nel Reparto.
  • Registrare accuratamente i dati di produzione.


  • Diploma di scuola superiore o equivalente.
  • Preferibile esperienza pregressa nel confezionamento farmaceutico o in un ambiente di produzione simile.
  • Conoscenza delle buone pratiche di fabbricazione (GMP) e delle linee guida regolamentari applicabili al settore farmaceutico. (preferibile)
  • Capacità di lavorare in un ambiente di produzione aderendo a standard di sicurezza e qualità elevati.
  • Attitudine all'organizzazione, alla precisione e all'attenzione ai dettagli.
  • Abilità di comunicazione efficace e capacità di lavorare in team.
  • Flessibilità a lavorare su 3 turni.


We are looking for highly motivated Packaging Operators to join our dedicated pharmaceutical packaging team.


  • Perform pharmaceutical product packaging activities in accordance with company procedures, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and health and safety regulations (HSE).
  • Fill the Batch Record and department documentation relating to the activities carried out.
  • Carry out periodic checks of correct functionality of the machines and equipment, as required by the current SOPs.
  • Accurately record production data.


  • High school diploma or equivalent.
  • Previous experience in pharmaceutical packaging or similar manufacturing environment.
  • Knowledge of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and regulatory guidelines applicable to the pharmaceutical industry. (preferable)
  • Ability to work in a production environment adhering to high safety and quality standards.
  • Aptitude for organization, precision and attention to detail.
  • Effective communication skills and ability to work in a team.
  • Flexibility to work in 3 shifts

At Recordati, we believe in equal opportunities and we guarantee that everyone can achieve their potential. We see diversity as a value and will not tolerate any discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, political or religious belief, or any other personal characteristics. At Recordati, we work hard to create a safe and inclusive work environment, where we all have our rights to physical and psychological integrity respected on a daily basis, as well as our right to freedom of opinion and association. We recognise that we each have a role to play in the success of our business and we implement staff development policies through which everyone’s contribution and achievements can be appropriately rewarded.